Sunday, December 16, 2012

Examining the concept of "prayer"

With the recent event that happened in Connecticut, there has been a resurgence of what we need to do about guns. Of course this has become a very polarizing issue, that will continue to drive a wedge in an already divided country. But this is not what I'm here to discuss, at least not the topic of "gun control". However, I will use this tragedy as the focal point of this post. I heard a radio show personality ( can't remember who) say that this mass shooting was a result of American schools taking God and prayer out of schools. I thought was an asinine comment, but we live a society where people have the right to say whatever they want regardless of the consequences, under a false sense of what rights actually are and the responsibility in using those very rights. No doubt we have many in this country that have no idea about rights and hide behind the very required protections that allows them to say whatever it is they want, regardless of how silly it is (gotta love America!). Prayer to me is wishful thinking. I suppose it provides support to those in trying situations that see no possible way out. I had a conversation with my wife this morning about the concept of praying. She said, "it's energy". For a split second I said, "what!" in my head, but she went on to explain that prayer is what you want it to be. She also said that prayer resonates in the collective belief of those that are engaging in it at that time. Now going back to the idea that prayer is "being what you want it to be", I have an issue with. You see, this is not how "prayer" is practiced amongst the religious populace. At least how I see it. People pray for good health, but take no action is eating healthy, exercising, or any of those things that would surely bring good health, except outside of unknown diseases, which could be unexplainable. Many use prayer as a tool for not taking action themselves. I would go so far as to say that it's a self-indulged, "I-will-take-the-moral high ground", false term of endearment to those that chose to take personal accountability for their lives and not pray. I believe there are those that genuinely mean it and I will accept with humility and gladness. Surely, a god that is responsible for the complex creation of our bodies and the structure and setting of various solar systems could care less about who wins a high school football game, or where I lost my keys (people actually pray about those things). Some may ask, "what's your issue with prayer? promotes a goodness". I think that's a fair question and I will answer. I believe that if one looked at life as an opportunity to challenge ones self; to push our limits, then we can give up the concept of prayer. Many do it because they've been taught to do it all their lives. Recognizing that YOU are in control and you can determine an outcome based off data, past experiences, and the WILL to do something, then you enhance your chances of reaching what ever it is you want. Of course, at times their is the possibility that you will not meet your goals. This doesn't mean it's "god's will" it just means it didn't happen. No mysticism, superstition, or supernatural ideology required. As I stated earlier, somethings just happen for no reason, even that promotion you wanted, or that game your team lost. I have reasonable expectations in life. I base this off past experiences, information, and other "tangibles" I use to come to an expected outcome. This requires no prayer. Looking at the shooting, (I knew I couldn't stay away from it) most people are telling us to pray for the families. Now this is a kind gesture and I believe that people honestly want to make good light out of this, but praying is too late for this one. Let's say this God had a hand in this (people believe he has an actual hand), why didn't he stop it? "No"....I'm not one of these people that blame calamities on a god and I also don't give a god props for the successes in my life. Bad things just happen for no known reason. They require no "god" induced concept. I hope that the families find a way to deal with this tragic situation. If this requires prayer on their part, so be it. But I hope they also understand that if this god does indeed answer their prayers on a daily basis, but stood idly, while 20 children were gunned down, then they should evaluate their understanding, or even the belief that one even cares or exist.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I'm Back...."again!"

It's been a while. I have been doing youtube videos instead of blogging, which is the reason I've been on a sabbatical (not really) from this. A lot has changed in my life. All for the good. I believe that I've experienced so many up and downs in my late teens and early 20s that I've devised a way to steer clear of BS and developed a heighten sense of cautiousness when dealing people and situations. I take great pride in trying new things. I think I've always been like this; the one to try new things. I has gotten me into binds and it has also been rewarding. I was talking to my mother one day and I asked her, "was I independent as a child?"She replied, "yes" "you were pretty independent as a child." I always sort of questioned how did I become so independent minded as an overall individual. Perhaps, it was my military training, I thought, but then again I knew a lot of weak minded people in the military. I still carry this around with me. I mean, I'm not prideful....I will ask for help in a New York minute, but life in general, I believe requires a high level of intestinal fortitude. I do believe there is a time and place to be somewhat submissive and humble yourself. On the other hand, I believe one should stand stout in times of adversity and face it head on. Again, I've been through so much crap to the point that I've learned that bad news only gets worse with time and your attempt to dodge or pretend that a problem isn't there will only hurt you in the long run. Dodging also demonstrates an individuals immature approach to life. I've been labeled as a pessimist and very cynical. I would agree. I like to call myself a realist, but I welcome those characteristics of my personality as well. I believe things in life just happen for no apparent reason. I never really believed in the idea "things happen for a reason", and I definitely never believed in the idea that a magical figure in the skies is orchestrating the outcomes in my life. I believe YOU are responsible for all your success and failures. Yes, there are those that provide assistance and there are the occasional "haters" that may thwart your success, but overall it is YOU that should take the credit for your success and failures. I happen to believe that this will allow you to be more accountable and observant in how approach life's curve balls. No devil to blame and no heavenly figure to blame as well...ONLY YOU.